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Support the Corps

With the help of alumni and friends, the commandant and his staff continuously work to improve our leader development program. Private support from alumni, families of cadets, and friends of the Corps is critical to our efforts.

Just as Virginia Tech aspires to be a world-class university, the Corps must prepare our graduates for the ever-changing world they will face in their professional roles in the military, in government, and in business.

We invite you to become our partner in our mission to train leaders and improve the future for all of our communities.

Become a partner in our mission.

A veteran talks with a cadet.

How to Give

We’re here to help. Call us at 540-231-2892 with any questions.

Give today online. Choose "Corps of Cadets Commandant's Priorities" from the drop-down menu.

  • Give by check. Make checks payable to the Virginia Tech Foundation and clearly indicate the gift's intended purpose. Mail to:

            Virginia Tech
            Corps of Cadets Advancement
            902 Prices Fork Road
            Blacksburg, VA 24061


Leave Your Legacy in the Corps

Throughout history, Corps of Cadets graduates have left their names and class years in pencil on the bricks of Lane Hall. Now, you can leave your mark on a brick plaque in the new Corps Leadership and Military Science Building. 

Your gift will make a difference.

A cadet stands in front of an American flag.

We're Here to Help

The Corps of Cadets’ Advancement Team brings the resources of development, alumni relations, and communications together to benefit both you and the Corps. Call us at 540-231-2892 with any questions.

Kelley Corvin
Chief Advancement Officer

Scott Lyman
Associate Director of Major Gifts 540-231-2085

Katie Mallory
Communications Director

Nicole Freeman
Advancement Associate

Alumni Director

Alumni Executive Assistant






Partner With Us

The Corps of Cadets, and especially our Citizen-Leader Track program, welcomes participation by business and industry representatives. Contact us at for details.